Science and Technology

Outbreak of Western Equine Encephalitis Virus in Argentina

The Hindu:Science - 27/01/2024
The present outbreak also comes in the context of an ongoing outbreak in horses in Argentina and Uruguay.

ISRO's unique and inexpensive space platform POEM-3 achieves all payload objectives

The Hindu:Science - 27/01/2024
POEM-3 (the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3) uses the spent PS4 stage of the PSLV-C58 rocket that launched XPoSat on January 1 this year.

How climate change affected the shape of elephant teeth

The Hindu:Science - 27/01/2024
Existing elephant species are the remnants of a once prosperous lineage of megaherbivores called proboscideans, whose evolutionary epic spanned 60 million years and some 200 species.

Mars rover data confirms ancient lake sediments on red planet

The Hindu:Science - 27/01/2024
NASA's rover Perseverance has gathered data confirming the existence of ancient lake sediments deposited by water that once filled a giant basin on Mars called Jerezo Crater, according to a study published on Friday.

New tool helps predict progression of Alzheimer's

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Researchers have created a novel learning-based framework that will help Alzheimer's patients accurately pinpoint where they are within the disease-development spectrum. This will allow them to best predict the timing of the later stages, making it easier to plan for future care as the disease advances.

Confirmation of ancient lake on Mars builds excitement for Perseverance rover's samples

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Ground-penetrating radar on board NASA's Mars Perseverance rover has confirmed that the Jezero Crater, formed by an ancient meteor impact just north of the Martian equator, once harbored a vast lake and river delta. Over eons, sediment deposition and erosion within the crater shaped the geologic formations visible on the surface today. The discovery of lake sediments reinforces the hope that traces of life might be found in soil and rock samples collected by Perseverance.

How gene activity modulates the amount of immune cell production in mice

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Researchers describe how specific gene activity could potentially enhance immune cell production. The researchers wanted to understand the mechanism of why some hematopoietic stem cells produce more immune cells, while other stem cells produce fewer. The research team pioneered new techniques for understanding the quantitative association between immune cell production and gene expression in lab mice. The scientists labeled individual stem cells with genetic 'barcodes' to track their immune cell production. They then correlated the barcode tracking with measurements of gene expression activity. They also developed innovative bioinformatics approaches to characterize their quantitative association. The scientists identified nearly 40 genes that are related to immune cell production. They discovered associations between the activity of these genes and both the quantity and variety of immune cells produced.

How waves and mixing drive coastal upwelling systems

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Large coastal upwelling systems along the eastern margins of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are among the most biologically productive and biodiverse regions of the world's oceans. Typically, the strength and timing of upwelling in such systems are linked to the prevailing winds. Interestingly, in some tropical regions, high levels of productivity occur even when the upwelling favorable winds are weak.

A long-lasting neural probe

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a soft implantable device with dozens of sensors that can record single-neuron activity in the brain stably for months.

Locusts' sense of smell boosted with custom-made nanoparticles

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Scientists have harnessed the power of specially made nanostructures to enhance the neural response in a locust's brain to specific odors and to improve their identification of those odors.

Using fMRI, new vision study finds promising model for restoring cone function

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Researchers identified a retinal disease to evaluate the success of gene and cell replacement therapy.

Female reproductive milestones may be risk factors for diabetes and high cholesterol later in life

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
A new review of available evidence suggests that female reproductive characteristics may be overlooked as risk factors that contribute to later metabolic dysfunction.

Astronomers unravel mysteries of planet formation and evolution in distant planetary system

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
TOI-1136, a dwarf star located more than 270 light years from Earth, is host to six confirmed exoplanets and a seventh as yet unconfirmed candidate. The system has provided a rich source of information on planet formation and evolution in a young solar system. Researchers used a variety of tools to compile radial velocity and transit timing variation readings to derive highly precise measurements of the exoplants' masses, orbital information and atmospheres.

Brain drain: Nasopharyngeal lymphatics found to be crucial for cerebrospinal fluid outflow

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Researchers have uncovered a distinctive network of lymphatic vessels at the back of the nose that plays a critical role in draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain. The study, sheds light on a previously unknown route for CSF outflow, potentially unlocking new avenues for understanding and treating neurodegenerative conditions.

New tool improves the search for genes that cause diseases

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
A new statistical tool improves the ability to find genetic variants that cause disease. The tool combines data from genome wide association studies (GWAS) and predictions of genetic expression to limit the number of false positives and more accurately identify causal genes and variants for a disease.

Soap bark discovery offers a sustainability booster for the global vaccine market

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
A valuable molecule sourced from the soapbark tree and used as a key ingredient in vaccines, has been replicated in an alternative plant host for the first time, opening unprecedented opportunities for the vaccine industry.

Dragonfly wings used to study relationship between corrugated wing structure and vortex motions

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Scientists undertook a study of dragonfly wings in order to better understand the relationship between a corrugated wing structure and vortex motions. They discovered that corrugated wings exhibit larger lift than flat wings.

How to elicit an authentic 'yes'

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Researchers suggest giving people a script to get an honest answer -- even if it's a hard 'no' -- instead of acquiescence motivated by awkwardness or guilt.

Use it or lose it: How seagrasses conquered the sea

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
Seagrasses provide the foundation of one of the most highly biodiverse, yet vulnerable, coastal marine ecosystems globally. They arose in three independent lineages from their freshwater ancestors some 100 million years ago and are the only fully submerged, marine flowering plants. Moving to such a radically different environment is a rare evolutionary event and definitely not easy. How did they do it? New reference quality genomes provide important clues with relevance to their conservation and biotechnological application.

Coal-based product could replace sand in concrete

Science Daily - 27/01/2024
A new study found that graphene derived from metallurgical coke, a coal-based product, through flash Joule heating could serve not only as a reinforcing additive in cement but also as a replacement for sand in concrete.


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